Transitioning from the military? INFORMS has the resources to help

Operations research, or at the time operational research, traces its origins back to WWII when it was first used to refer to the scientific research done by the Royal Air Force to integrate new radar technologies into their tactics.  By 1941, the term had expanded to encompass research done to assist military officers in developing tactics and planning combat operations. Since then, applications of O.R. can be found in nearly every industry across the globe. Today, O.R. continues to play a vital role in our modern military, impacting strategy, logistics, personnel management and so much more. In today’s episode I…

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Robots on the job: What’s the real impact for their human counterparts?

As more organizations adopt automation, and for the purposes of this episode, robotics, into their day-to-day functions, questions remain regarding the impact. Are robots replacing their human counterparts or enhancing their work? Or is the answer more complex? And what are the economic implications? Joining me to provide some insight on the actual impact is Lynn Wu, professor at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. We’ll be discussing her study, “The Robot Revolution: Managerial and Employment Consequences for Firms,” which will be published in the INFORMS journal Management Science.

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Protecting election security, how safe is your vote?

At the heart of who we are as Americans and what our country was founded on and represents, is our right to vote, and for that vote to be counted. People have marched, protested, fought and died to ensure that right is preserved and protected. And the potential that this right to vote could be threatened, whether by forces foreign or domestic, especially during perhaps one of the most divisive presidential elections in our history should be of great concern to us all. For this episode I am joined by Natalie Scala, professor at Towson University to discuss election security,…

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Will we be facing long lines at the polls?

The upcoming 2020 presidential election is building up to be one of the most unprecedented in recent history, if ever. And adding to an already volatile and emotionally-charged situation are concerns with voter safety relating to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Joining me for this episode is Laura Albert, professor of industrial & systems engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s College of Engineering, to discuss what Americans, election officials and volunteers could be facing when they hit the polls in just a few short weeks, as well as ways to ensure voting remains safe and accessible. 

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Virtual queues: How managing wait time information can improve the customer experience

No one likes waiting in lines, it’s a fact. Whether at the grocery store checkout searching desperately for the shortest line, or watching the clock tick while waiting our turn at the dentist’s office, or at an amusement park, looking at the long lines and deciding how badly we really want to ride our favorite ride, most of will do everything we can to avoid waiting. And even since the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic, when so many aspects of our lives are now conducted virtually, we still find ourselves waiting in lines, or in this case, in virtual queues,…

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What makes an analytics project great?

From large scale analytics projects that have a lifesaving impact, or realize millions of dollars in savings, or transform an entire industry, to those that simply help an organization better utilize its data and improve its day-to-day functionality, how is success measured? Joining me for this episode are Pooja Dewan, Vice President and Chief Data Analytics Officer with Otis Elevator, and Carrie Beam Teaching Associate Professor at the University of Arkansas and Principal of Carrie Beam Consulting. Both Pooja and Carrie have played a pivotal role in the Franz Edelman Award competition over the years. Pooja served as the 2019…

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2020 Franz Edelman Award finalist Deutsche Bahn

This podcast is part of a series highlighting the finalist teams of the 2020 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award competition, to be held on September 29. Joining me for this episode are Hanno Schülldorf, an Expert for Mathematical Optimization and Project Manager at Deutsche Bahn, and Ralf Borndörfer, Professor of Discrete Mathematics at Freie Universitat Berlin, Head of the Optimization Department at the Zuse Institute Berlin and co-founder of LBW Optimization GmbH, to discuss Deutsche Bahn’s finalist entry for the 2020 Franz Edelman Award.

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2020 Franz Edelman Award finalist Intel

This podcast is part of a series highlighting the finalist teams of the 2020 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award competition, to be held on September 29. Joining me for this episode are Karl Kempf, Senior Fellow and Director of Decision Engineering, and Shamin Shirodkar, Senior Director of Supply Chain Decision Solutions, both with Intel, to discuss Intel’s finalist entry for the 2020 Franz Edelman Award.

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2020 Franz Edelman Award finalist Walmart

This podcast is part of a series highlighting the finalist teams of the 2020 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award competition, to be held on September 29. Joining me for this episode are Yixian Chen, Senior Data Scientist and Prakhar Mehrotra, Senior Director of Machine Learning, both with Walmart Labs, to discuss Walmart’s finalist entry for the 2020 Franz Edelman Award.

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2020 Franz Edelman Award finalist IBM

This podcast is part of a series highlighting the finalist teams of the 2020 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award competition, to be held on September 29. Joining me for this episode are George Stark, Distinguished Engineer, statistics and quality at IBM, and Dorothea Wiesmann, Program Director and Technical Assistant to the Director of IBM research to discuss IBM’s finalist entry for the 2020 Franz Edelman Award.

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