Helping businesses up their O.R. and analytics game

Organizations around the world, big and small, in nearly every industry, are implementing operations research and analytics to improve their business operations. But how can an organization tell how well it is using O.R. and analytics? With the INFORMS Analytics Maturity Model! Joining me to help tackle this topic is Norman Reitter, chief analytics officer and senior VP of Analytics Operations at CANA Advisors and chair of the INFORMS Analytics Capability Evaluation Subcommittee. To learn more about the Analytics Capability Evaluation program, contact Norm Reitter at [email protected] or Taryn Lewis, INFORMS Director of Education and Industry Programs.

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Combatting disasters to save lives, save money and solve problem

From hurricanes and earthquakes, to conflict and disease, these disasters, both man-made and natural, can have a devastating impact causing millions, and even billions in damages, while greatly impacting the lives, health and well-being of the affected populations. But how can we prepare for or respond to events that often can’t be predicted, nor their true impact estimated, in order to save lives, save money, and solve the myriad problems that come as a result? The answer: operations research and analytics. Joining me for this episode is Pinar Keskinocak, the 2019 INFORMS President-elect, professor with the Georgia Institute of Technology,…

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The Science of Persuasion

While often referred to as the “art of persuasion,” my guest for this episode shares that there is actually a science behind persuasion and will provide insight into how and why it works. Joining me is Dean Hartley, principal of Hartley Consulting, to discuss his article in the June 2019 issue of OR/MS Today magazine, “Persuasion Wars, Part 1,“ which looks at how and why persuasion works, and its uses and misuses throughout history. 

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October 2018

In this episode, we will be taking a sneak peek at our upcoming INFORMS Annual Meeting, and some of the exciting topics and sessions that will be covered, as well as diving into some of INFORMS unique programs and efforts. Joining us for this episode are James Cochran of the University of Alabama to discuss the newly published INFORMS Analytics Body of Knowledge; Carrie Beam of the University of Arkansas to introduce an exciting new competition, Freestyle O.R. Supreme, that will debut at this year’s Annual Meeting; and Alan Briggs from Data Robot, to share the impact of the Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) certification…

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