In this episode we will learn how O.R. and analytics are helping the men and women of law enforcement and the corrections systems, from improving the health of prison inmates, to simplifying the assignment of inmates to the appropriate prison, to helping New York city police men and women better predict and respond to crime. Joining us for this episode are Tamas Terlaky, president of Optamo and professor at Lehigh University, Mohammad Shahabsafa, chief operating officer at Optamo and Anshul Sharma, chief information officer at Optamo, who share their INFORMS Wagner Prize award-winning research on improving inmate scheduling for the…
Tags: Alex Chohlas-Wood, Anshul Sharma, Evan Levine, Georgia Tech, Hepatitis C, inmate scheduling, Lehigh University, Mohammad Shahabsafa, NYPD, Optamo, predicting crime patterns, Tamas Terlaky, Turgay Ayer
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