Helping businesses up their O.R. and analytics game

Organizations around the world, big and small, in nearly every industry, are implementing operations research and analytics to improve their business operations. But how can an organization tell how well it is using O.R. and analytics? With the INFORMS Analytics Maturity Model! Joining me to help tackle this topic is Norman Reitter, chief analytics officer and senior VP of Analytics Operations at CANA Advisors and chair of the INFORMS Analytics Capability Evaluation Subcommittee. To learn more about the Analytics Capability Evaluation program, contact Norm Reitter at [email protected] or Taryn Lewis, INFORMS Director of Education and Industry Programs.

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Algorithms, evil or just misunderstood?

While algorithms play an increasingly integral role in our day-to-day lives, there still seems to be a great deal of misunderstanding and even mistrust regarding what algorithms are and what they do. To help dispel some of the mystery, joining me is Gah-Yi Ban, assistant professor of management science and operations at London Business School. Her research interests include big data analytics; in particular, algorithmic decision making involving complex, often highly uncertain data. Her recent TEDx Talk, “The power and perils of algorithms,” delves into the fundamental truths of algorithms to help everyone, even those who are not algorithmic experts,…

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