The Daughter Effect

Looking back, I think we can all recognize and appreciate the role that our parents played in shaping who we are. But have you ever thought about the impact you had on your parents, how they view themselves and others?

For this episode, we’re going to turn the tables and take a look at the role that children can have on shaping and influencing their parents, specifically, how having daughters can shape how men view and interact with women in the workplace, especially men in leadership roles. This is also known as the daughter effect. I’m thrilled to introduce Zhiyan “Z” Wu with Erasmus University and Lucia Naldi with Jönköping University, who collaborated with their fellow authors on a study recently published in the INFORMS journal Management Science titled “Learning from Their Daughters: Family Exposure to Gender Disparity and Female Representation in Male-Led Ventures.”

Daughters are not intentionally influencing their father. Actually the influence happens through the social dynamics in the family environment. So for example, when the daughters have a frustrating day in the school or in the workplace and they tell their story to their father about how they experienced that, and the father will just learn from those stories and become more aware of the challenges and constraints that women face, either in the school or in the workplace.

Interviewed this episode:

Zhiyan Wu

Erasmus University

Zhiyan Wu is an Associate Professor of Strategy at Erasmus University. His research examines the sociopolitical dimension of firms, with a particular focus on corporate governance, social activism, and nonmarket strategy. To advance his theoretical interest, he often uses quasi-experiments to overcome the challenges of inferring causality. His work has been accepted for publication in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Management Science, and Organization Science.

Lucia Naldi

Jönköping University

Lucia Naldi is a Professor in Business Administration with a focus on Entrepreneurship at Jönköping University. She is also the Vice President for Research at Jönköping University. Her research interests span across the areas of entrepreneurship and internationalization, with a particular focus on the growth, internationalization, and innovation of small and young firms, as well as family businesses. Recently she has been interested in women’s entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs’ well-being. Professor Naldi’s research has been published in leading international journals, including, among others, Management Science, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Research Policy, Journal of Business Venturing, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.

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