Looking Back at the Origins of O.R.

In this episode, we will be taking a look back, way back actually, to the first time the term Operations Research was employed, and some of the earliest applications of O.R. during World War II, when it helped the Allied forces in Europe achieve victory over Germany. I am joined by Gerald Brown, Emeritus Distinguished Professor of operations research at the Naval Postgraduate School and an INFORMS Fellow, to discuss these earliest applications, their impact, and how O.R. has grown since then. 

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Protecting our National Security with O.R.

From effectiveness of deployed forces to manpower and training, operations research professionals in the military space are constantly addressing both new and old challenges. These have been increased in recent years by advances in non-traditional warfare, to include cyberspace.  The large investments in terms of manpower, time and money that nations spend in this sphere drives the need for thoughtful, professional operations research and analytics to wisely drive investments and security. In this episode, I am joined by Harrison Schramm, U.S. Navy veteran and Senior Fellow with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments to discuss his journey from military…

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