Published: September 17, 2020

This podcast is part of a series highlighting the finalist teams of the 2020 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award competition, to be held on September 29. Joining me for this episode are Karl Kempf, Senior Fellow and Director of Decision Engineering, and Shamin Shirodkar, Senior Director of Supply Chain Decision Solutions, both with Intel, to discuss Intel’s finalist entry for the 2020 Franz Edelman Award.
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Interviewed this episode:

Karl Kempf, Shamin Shirodkar
Karl G. Kempf is a Senior Fellow and Director of Decision Engineering at Intel Corporation in Chandler Arizona where he has been involved in designing and implementing decision support systems from strategic product design to tactical supply chain execution. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of both the IEEE and INFORMS, and has (co) authored more than 150 publications on various topics in decision science. He holds a B.A. in Physics, a B.S. in Chemistry, a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, and pursued post-doctoral studies in Artificial Intelligence.
Shamin Shirodkar is the Senior Director of Supply Chain Decision Solutions at Intel.
Episode Transcript
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