Published: April 22, 2019

This podcast, part of a series recorded at the 2019 INFORMS Business Analytics Conference in Austin, TX, features Janine Kamath, chair of the Department of Management Engineering and Internal Consulting (ME&IC) and assistant professor, Health Care Systems Engineering with the Mayo Clinic, and an INFORMS Roundtable member. Her presentation, “Analytics in Healthcare – A Dose of Reality” discusses the role that analytics plays in addressing many of the challenges facing healthcare today.
Interviewed this episode:

Janine Kamath
Mayo Clinic
Janine Kamath is the chair, Management Engineering and Consulting (ME&C) at Mayo Clinic. The strategic consulting and engineering resources in ME&C are responsible for consumer centered analytics, design and implementation, reengineering core processes, and enabling business strategy, market insights, project management, and business transformation. Prior to joining Mayo, Janine was a manager in two large pharmaceutical companies. At Mayo, she has supported and led multiple initiatives related to Mayo’s digital and platform environment, facilities reintegration, operations optimization, international expansion, care model redesign, business development and Mayo’s quality, safety and service program.
Janine is the chair, board of directors and president emeritus of the Association for Internal Management Consultants (AIMC) and a member of the INFORMS Roundtable. She was one of the course directors for the Mayo Clinic Conference on Systems Engineering and Operations Research. Janine has presented at national and international conferences and education programs. She has published in peer reviewed journals, authored book chapters and a book on the legacy of management engineering and consulting at Mayo Clinic.
Episode Transcript
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